Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What a sleeper!

All this sleeping gives me time to catch up posting her beautiful face on here. My sister Wendy came over today and I was able to take a 40 minute nap before I had to get up to pump. It was lovely. Ellie slept the entire time Wendy was holding her. Nate went and ran some errands, like find a "real" slow flow nipple to avoid future vomiting experiences(see pictures below) and got some groceries. We went for a quick walk outside. That sure was nice to be outside and the weather was perfect. So today was: up at 11:30 (up for the day that is after all the other times we got up in the night),shower, pump, eat breakfast, bathe baby, pump again, start laundry, take short nap, pump, go for walk, eat dinner, pump, have FHE while pumping (that is multitasking at its best!), eat dessert, update blog, now it's time to pump! So, in between all that Ellie was fed, diapered, held, sniffed (i love her smell) I wish I had a crystal ball telling me that yes this pumping will all be worth it or no just bag it and convert to formula. I guess time will tell. At 6 am this morning, Ellie was wide awake and so we had a lovely time gazing at eachother. I think that was my favorite part of today.

This is my "those 'slow flow' nipples are NOT slow flow" smile. Ellie lost her lunch and probably breakfast and every other meal too. Fortunately it was already on my to do list of giving her a bath today!

It even got in her ear!

"I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin" Sure wish we knew what she was thinking!

Heading home!


Darcey and Jeff said...

We found that the parents choice bottles from walmart that are sold individually for like $1.80 had the slowest flow nipples. She is so cute. And formula gets real expensive real fast pump as long as possible!!! Congrats again she is so cute and so much fun.

Dan and Susie said...

What a beautiful little angel. Of course, she has beautiful parents. You are so blessed to have such a precious little one and she is blessed to have both of you. Thank you for such an amazing blessing.

Cinthia said...

Enhorabuena Meryhew y Lemmon!!!! es preciosa, tener un bebe es lo mas bonito del mundo, os deso todo lo mejor, besos para los 3!!!!

Pini said...

Oh Alyssa! She is darling! I am so happy for you...hang in there with the pumping thing, and don't give up on nursing either. You never know when she will catch on. Rest well...all of you! Love you friend. Congrats!!!

The Gurrs said...

I pumped for five and a half months. I ended up renting one of those pumps from the LC. SOOO worth it. eventually my body got used to the idea of pumping, and I was getting more than enough milk for all three babies! If they wont take it from the breast at least they were getting the nutrients from the bottle. (not to mention the $ we saved, that formula gets expensive). Hang in there. she is so cute.

Gayle said...

sounds like you are a pro already! she is so sweet! Congrats again!

Love the pic with Nate and Ellie! (thinking) :o)