Sunday, March 14, 2010

first night alone

nate had to work last night and boy was she a stinker! i was almost at the point of letting her cry herself to sleep, but finally after 2 hours of messing with her she fell asleep. i've got to find a smoother way of taking her from sleeping on my chest to putting her down in the bassinet, it always wakes her up.

1 comment:

ellen said...

our #1 was a stinker to put down. in the end what worked for her was using the baby wedge (2 triangles on either side that adjust for width by velcro) and taking a rice bag (like for sore muscles) and heating it in the microwave for 40-60 sec. and putting it in the bed to warm it up before she got in it. then (because she had an upset tummy) we slept her on her back in the wedge and put the warmed rice bag on her tummy. once we figured out the routine, sleep worked out much better for both of us. hang in there with the reflux. we had 2 that had to be on zantac for the first 9mo or so and they lived through it. we were almost to the point of having to change one of them to a more difficult medication but he/we worked it out and just knuckled through it. wish we could be there to help out and be a shoulder to cry on. hang in there and call anytime!