Sunday, January 10, 2010

Master the tempest is raging

Don't get scared by the title of the post. Today during sacrament mtg this was the rest hymn (played a little, okay a lot slower, than I usually play it on the piano. I like to play it really fast actually). Fortunately I didn't let the tempo keep me from enjoying the song, lyrics (which I've done that before too). When we got to the chorus the first time I couldn't sing anymore. Once I read the words "no waters can swallow the ship where lies the Master of ocean and earth and skies," the song became full of imagery and meaning to me. For Christmas Nate bought me a large print of this scripture of the Savior calming the storm. I think it is one of my favorite things in our house now.
I started thinking about the words and how it applies to life. I imagined my life as the ship and how if I allow the Master to be in/guide my "ship" then come what may, however horrendous my storms may be, He is in control and will calm them, or me. I looked up the scriptures listed with the hymn and especially appreciated Mark 4: 36-41. It mentions that the waves beat into the ship that the ship was now full and the Master was sleeping. Couple thoughts: why did the apostles wait until the ship was full, why do we wait until we're almost sinking before we "wake up" the Master and seek His help? The other thought is that while the scripture says the Master was sleeping I wonder how asleep He really was. I tend to think not very, but waiting for the disciples to come to Him. The Savior ends the story by asking the disciples why they were so fearful, why they lacked faith. I think He's teaching that if we remember to let Him be in our lives then we don't have any reason to fear, but to exercise faith, knowing that with Him in charge all things will work out for our good, according to His will.
I don't know if this "aha" moment was for preparation of future events or not. I don't feel that I have huge storms in life right now. I certainly don't want to have these terrible storms but I'm grateful to know that even when, not if, they come, there is peace available.

1 comment:

Maike said...

Thank you for that uplifting and thought provoking post!