so, I don't have pictures yet, but plan to soon...of my kankles after working 3 nights in a row! wow, do they get puffy, and I'm sure will only continue to get worse as I keep working. Tina asked how I'm feeling, well...
I shouldn't complain because this is exactly what we've been waiting for for a long time...BUT I am tired. Sleeping is getting more difficult due to positioning, my feet ache at work, my tailbone is doing a number on me now. I know this is all normal. I guess lucky for me (and Nate so he hears my complaining less) I'm too busy working and trying to sleep in between that I don't have too much time to dwell on the discomforts of pregnancy. However, we are going on vacation to Oregon this Saturday, so with all that free time I may get plenty of complaining in! Just joking, I will try to refrain and enjoy my 10 days off from work. Now that I'm feeling better I'm looking forward to going back to the gym. At my OB appointment this morning I weighed in at 205! yikes, that was 15 pounds since the last visit. I knew I'd surpass the 200 mark but not this early. Like I explained to the doctor, I had just worked 12 hours and eaten 3 meals since 6pm the night before (ate dinner before going to work, ate at midnight-how else will I stay awake?-, and then ate breakfast before leaving work and going to the appointment!). anyways, I plan on re-weighing myself tomorrow morning after sleeping a whole night and not eating, then we'll see how much I really gained. Oh, and I like my home scale better, it always shows less total weight.
So, that's how I'm feeling. Baby girl is doing well. Sometimes at work I use the doppler we have on the floor to listen to her heartbeat, that's always exciting. I'm 26 weeks and happy. Really happy too that Nate will be going back to work, at least on light duty, with me this week. They are going to let him just come in with my schedule and do whatever desk jobs need to be done. He should only be on light duty through mid December, then back to the real thing. He is excited and so am I. Two full paychecks will be nice again, at least until I'm done in February. And oh how much I am looking forward to going back part time, 2 nights a week.
I guess I've rambled enough.