Monday, November 22, 2010

last minute adventure

I got a tip last week from my sister in law about a child's hiking backpack she saw on craig'slist and we ended up buying it. It can be used as a stroller in addition to the pack. I was driving home from visiting teaching last Friday morning, windows down, wind blowing through my hair and I thought "this would be a great day to try out that new pack and go on a hike." I got inside the house and Ellie was in bed. So, after telling Nate of my plan for the afternoon, we put together a sack lunch (which we ended up eating in the car on the way home), a bag for Ellie's stuff (man, the bigger she gets, the more stuff goes into that bag. Glad that once she hits a certain age she'll be able to carry all her stuff in her very own big girl bag), and then we waited for her to wake up. Once up, we hit the road. We found a quick hike not too far from the PIR. Our last hike was in the Provo Canyon, so this hike was a little anti climatic, being in the barren wasteland we live in. But, as Nate said, if you stop long enough and are still you can find life, and quite a bit of it, out there in that saguaro cemetery. At least there was plenty of quail, if anyone ever wants to go quail hunting, though I don't know if they do that here or not. Anyways, the pack worked great, we enjoyed our short 2 mile hike in the not hot weather, and then raced back home for the rest of our scheduled day. When I got back and had to use my dirty bathroom I remembered all the things on my cleaning list. But, those will always be there; nice weather and a mid morning with nothing "scheduled" rarely happens!

"where's the baby?"

1 comment:

Loree said...

what a fun adventure! last minute outings are sometimes the best! you can put that backpack to good use now that it is so enjoyable outside! Ellie is getting cuter every post~ ;)