Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love day

I love Nate! He did the dishes for me today when I really did not want to do them. Now that's what I call a worthwhile Valentine's gift. I returned the favor by going with him to teach his primary class. I refereed (spelling?) while he taught. Then I made us brownies. That sums up our day of love. We actually talked about it last night how we think V day will be more fun with kids and making it a family love day rather than a romantic love day. I did however tell him that he better never buy one of those baskets we saw at all the intersections thought or meaning involved whatsoever.

1 comment:

Loree said...

what a good guy! it's family love day around here! lots of handmade cards and love notes. hugging and reminders why i love these people! good times :)