My OB laughed yesterday when I told him I knew exactly what he was going to say after his exam: "your cervix is soft, but nothing else is happening." And after the exam that's exactly what he said. I'm so good, I should be a mind reader. Fortunately we have insurance to pay for those non-productive office visits! So, if nothing happens between now and next Wednesday night, I'm scheduled to go in for an induction. I first had to find out if the hospital lets you walk around and all that still while on the Pitocin, because me being stuck in bed for all that time is not an option. Fortunately they have portable EFM (which I would be dumbfounded why they wouldn't especially since it's such common knowledge that laying flat in bed is NOT conducive to birth). So that was pretty much my only huge concern with being induced. Still don't know if I'll be able to get an epidural, will find out Thursday I guess. I re-read my MRI report and my disc problem sounds so minimal I'm hopeful it won't be a deterrant. Maybe I'll let the anesthesiologist know that I make some really good chocolate chip cookies!
Not that I wouldn't love to have labor start on its own and all that, but next Thursday is good timing, since Nate will only miss one night of work that week for it and my mom will also be done working. So here we go! Of course if this little one wants to make an appearance sooner than next week I'm totally fine with that too.