Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nude art, is it just art?

I posted recently that we went to the art museum and that I was tired of seeing all the nude paintings. One friend said it's just art depicting the beauty of the human body. I agree 100% that the human body is beautiful and by no means do I get embarrassed or whatever with nudity, I see it all the time at work and it's no big deal to me. However, the human body is also sacred. As Nate and I were discussing this issue last night he brought up a good point: we know that sexual sin has been around since the beginning of time and do we really need to guess whether or not that included lusting after the body? Today we have magazines, internet and television rampant with pornography. In centuries past they didn't have these mediums but are we really to assume that pornography wasn't an issue then? No. So, I agree that painting the human body can be a work of art and I have been impressed with many paintings of the human form. However, I don't agree that all nude paintings are art. I think that many of the nude paintings throughout time have been pornography of the time. What was the artists purpose, desire with the outcome? I doubt every artist had pure intentions when painting this theme, just like today. Now I'm not going to be hanging nude paintings in my home but I also don't intend to keep my kids from the art museum. I think this is just a personal choice for each family.


McKelle said...

Yikes! I've created controversy. I wrote a paper about this exact subject in college. What is art? What is pornography? And of course, me being an artist,I might be a little biased. There ARE paintings where the subject is definitely sexual in nature (I've seen some VERY explicitly sexual paintings (they don't display those often)) and yeah, I don't prefer to study those. I would say that the majority of paintings are not sexually motivated paintings. Obviously, no one really knows the thoughts going through the artists head. Even if it was thought of as pornography back then...most do not fit into that category now. There is a reason art students are required to take figure drawing...which usually means nude figure drawing (unless you go to very modest BYU). I had to take it at the University of Utah. Some of the most beautiful paintings I've seen have involved nude figures. I agree, it is a total personal choice. You have to decide for yourself. Enough said by me. Sorry for the novel.

Blaylock said...

I totally agree with your thoughts Alyssa. Nude art is very subjective. I can see beauty in it, but I don't want it in my living room either.

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Take care!