Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My brush with death, or at least a bad crash

On my way to work tonight I truly was only feet away from getting hit by another car. As I was going East on the I-10 I saw a car make a HUGE swerve into my lane. He was about 2 car lengths ahead of me. I looked to my right to see what he swerved for. It was a huge piece of metal the width of an entire lane. Looked like a fender from a big truck. As I looked back to my lane the car in front of me came to a sudden stop to avoid being hit by the swerving car. The car that swerved lost control and spun around. As it came around I was now even with it and it was still turning and right into my car. I quickly (and without looking to the lane next to me) swerved to my left to avoid getting hit by the car. Thank goodness there were no cars near me to my left. The other car I believe finally came to a stop, and was facing the oncoming traffic. I prayed that the driver would be safe, and then I started bawling, realizing just how close I had been to getting hit by a very fast moving out of control car. I thanked Heavenly Father for keeping me and our car safe, thankful for Nate's prayer before I left that I would be safe while travelling. It took me a bit to get myself under control so that I didn't look a mess going in to work. I called Nate later to let him know that his prayer was answered. I've been in fender-benders before, but this would have been severe.
After this I was thankful that, even though Nate messed up his knee and can't work for a few months, he is not maimed or unable to continue to be our provider in the future. Kind of put our situation in perspective.


Young Family said...

Wow! Not often do we see prayers answered like that. I'm so glad you are safe.

Loree said...

oh my alyssa! i am so glad you are ok and nothing bad happened to you or your car. I am so thankful for anwsers to prayers. PHEW!!

Loree said...

PS - sorry i haven't responded yet to your video camera ?. Leonard is the one who did all the research. it is a sony HD digital video camera. don't get one with tapes. get one that has a hard drive built in and you don't need more than 60 gb of memory. let me know if you have any more ?'s friend

Gayle said...

glad you are okay! Been there! VERY SCARY!!!

Whitney said...

That is crazy! My friend got in an accident going East on the I-10 on Wednesday! I'm glad you are OK!

TPlayer said...

Speaking of "memory lane" just took me down one as well. Except mine ended with me waking up to a "guy in a Superman shirt" walking into my hospital room. I think your ending is much better! I love you guys! I'm glad you're safe

Darcey and Jeff said...

That sounds way too scary! I am glad you are ok. Prayer can be a very powerful thing!

Maike said...

I need to come visit your blog more often! I'm glad you're ok...and the car too!