Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thunderbirds Air Show!

I think it was March when we went to Luke's AFB to watch the famous Thunderbirds. Nate and I had worked the night before, so after about 4 hours of sleep, we got up and drove with my mom to see the very cool show. We got there just in time for the Thunderbirds, which is the finale to the air show. You have to experience it for yourself. It makes you want to learn how to fly an airplane (kind of like how watching the ice skating during the olympics always makes me want to learn how to do that, or how watching the gymnastics makes me wish I'd learned that, or how listening to a symphony makes me wish I'd stuck with get the point!). All but 2 brothers were there, and my dad was also there. We all had a good time and it was nice to see my dad. I really like the pictures of the boys looking up!

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